16 June 2018

LX at SL15B

SL 15th birthday celebration seemed the right moment to present some of my color photography in SL, and will be my last participation to the SLB events. Here you can view my last year participation and build.

The following images show the designed, and build of my presentation. With my last year experience I decided to use prims - instead of mesh - for faster rendering. No scripts were used beside the seats and all texturing in 512 resolution.  The display is build on a water parcel and continued under water for the reflection effect. I made milk glass outset screens and use of fluorescent lighting effect in midnight windlight.

There is an art frame with a gif from Salvador Odrec. This reminded me of Chad Wys, a visual artist which work I follow. When you press the image inworld, classical music will be played.

If you like to view my photography and the complete build inworld → visit this location from 17th - 24th June.

inside the exhibit

logo on transparent floor over water
neon light outer wall on the right and left side
wooden panels for the diptych photography 
east, side entrance